hello, i'm jacob (or kev), a (you disabled scripts, guess you'll never know how old i am)-year-old, my pronouns are he/him. photography is my latest passion. besides photography, i also enjoy editing videos and despite this site's appearance, i actually hold a bachelor's degree in umweltinformatik (english: environmental informatics).i always wanted to build my own website, but procrastination got the better of me. i wanted the site to also serve a purpose, and until now, i didn't have one. that's why i dedicated this site (mainly) to my newfound hobby: photography. on top of that, i'm using this site as a playground to test things i've learned during my studies so i don't forget everything, haha. so, welcome to my online space, where pixels meet purpose!
big thanks to w3schools, stackoverflow, stackfindover, and nauti -- whom i can always turn to when i have questions about javascript, php, or anything programming-related, really! without their services or nauti, i wouldn't have been able to design the site the way i wanted (this website is intended to be viewed on an hd monitor).
in december 2024, i did a complete overhaul of the whole site. while it might not look all that different from when i first created it nearly a year ago, the frontend is now much more organized. big thanks to jquery and bootstrap for making many aspects easier to manage. i had never used these tools before, but they've been incredibly helpful for formatting and scripting, respectively.
explore the places i've been with openstreetmap:
openstreetmap's privacy policy
above, you'll find a map featuring some of the photos i've taken during my travels. my goal is to
have at least one pin on every continent someday!
to reach that goal, i'll try to keep the map updated. it's not necessarily difficult, but it's
-> this is a private website intended for my friends and family members. the site is hosted by manitu gmbh. you can contact me via email at admin[at]pixelgallery[dot]net.